VMC's 1 Year/2 Year CUET Live Online Program 2024/2025
In a move that could be a potential game changer for higher education in India, the government has recommended to conduct a Central Universities Entrance Test ( CUET) for the 54 Central Universities and colleges from the academic session 2023-2024. This may come as a surprise to many, but the move aimed at reducing the pressure of higher cut offs in most of the reputed central universities, has been in the talks for a long time now. However, the National Education Policy (NEP), which aims to bring radical changes to the education set up in the country, paved the way for the Entrance Test.
Under CUET colleges, there are 54 Central Universities in India at the moment including University of Delhi (DU), JawaharLal Nehru University (JNU), Banaras Hindu University (BHU, etc. While the news may have surprised the common man, unknown to many, there is already a Entrance Test for the 13 newly established Central Universities across different states. While the current CUET has been conducted once a year in offline mode, the newly planned Central Universities Entrance Test will be conducted in online mode by the National Testing Agency (NTA). To start with, the test will be conducted once for the academic session 2023-2024, but from the subsequent years, the test will be conducted twice in a year giving students an opportunity to improve their scores if needed.
Studying at VMC has its own set of advantages. Students are in a better position to clear the competitive exams and be more. We help students realize their fullest potential.
⮞ Detailed Theory Portions
⮞ Solved Examples & In-Chapter Exercises
⮞ Objective
⮞ Extensive Testing & Evaluation
The Central Universities Entrance Test is the biggest entrance test for Undergraduate courses by the Central Universities of India.
CUET 2023 will focus upon Aptitude, English Language, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, and Numerical Ability.
The CUET 2023 will have 1 mark for every correct attempt; while, for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
The total Duration of CUET 2023 is 120minutes.
CUET 2023 will be CBT (Computer Based Test)
Any student passing 10+2 stands eligible for the CUET program.
CUET is an All-India test organized by the MOE (Ministry Of Education, India) for admission in Central Universities under UG, PG programs.
CUET is a joint venture of 11 Central Universities, offering up to 408 courses in all.
As long as one is under the eligible criteria, one can appear unlimited times for CUET.
CUET is not a tough exam.
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